A guide price for a project this size would be around £20,000 - £30,000inc VAT.

Our client had a driveway that was a combination of grass and paved surfaces. The old sleepers needed renewing with a longer lasting material in order to hold up the terracing from the higher parts of the front garden. Our client also couldn't open their driveway gates fully and needed the shrubs and a rocky area to be cut back and neatened.
Resin Choice
After the initial questions are done by email, Susan attends for a site visit and brings a selection of resin bound samples with her. As approved installers for SureSet we provide samples from their range together with photos of the finished driveways. Occasionally we can also assist with site visits to see the various resin finishes in situ.
Resin bound permeable paving has a smooth finish with no loose stones to migrate to other areas of your property, making it friendly on the feet and ideal for adjoining lawn areas. It can be laid on a new base, but it is also possible to lay it over an existing asphalt or concrete surface.
We have produced a guide to keeping your resin surface looking it's best. You can find it here: Resin bound surface maintenance

William and MarinaGood advice and very friendly team - a pleasure to work with. It's clear the team enjoyed their work and achieved a good finish.